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Postal and Telegraph Department
Director’s Office, Post and Telephs. {Federal)
Director—0. H. Allin
Chief Clerk—C. P. Raju
Accountant’s Office
Ag- Accountant—W. H. Green
Asst. do. —S. C. Colomb
Selangor, Negri Seinbilan and Pahang
Supt.—C. R. Cormac, a.m.i.e.e.
Assistant—H. J. Harris
Do. —F.Black well, on military service
Do. —R. R. Bullmore, do.
Do. —E. A. Staines, do.
Do. —T. Lathan
Postmaster, Kuala Lumpur—E. Y. Xavier
Tel. Master, K. Lumpur—Y. C. Murugeysen
Tel. Engineer—C. G. Cadman
Asst. Tel. Engineers—D. B. Evans, J. 0.
Puller, V. C. H. Buckell, J. E. Gumming,
G. H. N. Reay, on military service
Inspectors—C. A. Jansz, R. G. Galistan,
R. V. Chapman
Inspector of Schools—D. A. Bishop, m.a.
Malay Visiting Teachers—Mohamed Salleh
and Mohamed Karsim
Tamil Visiting Teacher—R. Zacharias
Victoria Institution
Head Master—B. E. Shaw, m.a.
European Assistants—Messrs. Coleman,
Ambler, Carr, Wheatly, Miss Davidson
St. John’s Institution
Director—Rev. Brother Claude
Methodist Boys’ School
Principal—Rev. G. F. Pykett
Vice do. —P. L. Peach, m e.
European Assts.—Mrs Peach, Miss Pykett,
Miss E. Pykett
Convent School
Lady Superior—Sister St. Sarcissius
Methodist Girls’ School
Head Mistress—Miss Kenion
European Assistants — Misses WheelOr,
Brookes, Keek, and Egresitz
Chinese Girl's School
Head Mistress—Miss Lewis
European Assistant—Miss Ham
St. Mary’s High School
Headmistress—Miss Pope
Europ. Assists.—Miss Kay, Miss King
Public Gardens
Committee —1 Director of Agriculture
(chairman), E. M. Baker, M. S. H.
McArthur, Dr. S. H. R. Lucy, Lee Kong
Lam, Choo Kia Peng, F. G. Spring
(hon. sec.)
Chaplain and Surrogate — Rev. A. B.
Champion, m.a.
Asst. Chaplain—(vacant)
Forest Department, Kuala Lumpur
Actg. Depy. Conservator—A. E. Sanger
Extra Asst. Conservators—A. S. Mitchell,
E. R. de Zylva, F. P. Godfrey
Forest Ranger—C. Foston
Chief Clerk—E. A. Nuris
Senior Medical Officer—A. J. McClosky, m.d«
Medical Officer—C. B. Pasley, f.r.c.s.i.
L.R.C.S.I., L.R.C.P.I., L.M.
R.c.s., and P.l.
Do. I—W S. Milne, m.b., ch.b.
Do. II—P. H. Hepnessy, m.r.c.s.
(Eng.), L.R.C.P. (London)
Do. II—E. A. Smith, l.r.c.p. & s.
(Edin.), l.f.p. & s. (Glas.)
Medical Officer II—A. K. Cosgrave, m.b.,
ch.b., b.a.o. (Dublin,
on active service)
Do. II—F. C. Morgan, m.r.c.s.
(Eng.), l.r.c.p. (London)
(on active service)
Do. II—E. H. Black, m b., ch.b.
(Edin.), d.p.h. (Cantab)
(on active service)
Office of Senior Medical Officer
Senior Medical Officer—A. J. McClosky
Chief Clerk—R. Goonting
European Hospital
Medical Officer II—C. B. Pasley
Matron—Miss H. M. Shaw
European Sisters—Misses F. B. Pearn, C.
Hasweil, O. S. Marot, M. A. Ford, Lucy
M. Jacobs, A. L. Palmer and E. Newton
General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur
Medical Officer II—P. H. Hennessy
Assistant Surgeons—D. R. Gupta, Abdul
Latift bin, Abdul Razak, R. Vythilengam
(temporary) K. Thillyampalam (tem¬
porary), S. Kathigasee
Nurse-Matron—Miss A. E. Fletcher
Nurse—Miss A. Bain
Nurses Probationers—Misses V. Alphonso,
D. Ortega, S. Daly, L. Mayne, and D.
Midwife—Mrs. A. Arokiasamy
Lunatic Asylum Kuala Lumpur
Medical Officer! I—P. H. Hennessy
Gaol Hospital, Kuala Lumpur
Medical Officer II—C. B. Pasley

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