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(2) Where an officer is so appointed he shall hear and determine such matters*
civil and criminal, being within the jurisdiction of a Provincial Court, as the Consular
officer to whom Hie district is ass gned, with the sanction of the Judge of the Supreme
Court, directs.
(3) Where an oflber is appointed under this Article he may sit at the same time
and place as the Consular officer to whom the district is assigned, or in a different
place, and each sitting shall be deemed a sitting of the Provincial Court of the district.
3. The following Article shall be substituted for Article 69 of the Principal
Any act which, if done in the United Kingdom or in a British Possession, would
be an offence against any of the following Statutes of the Imperial Parliament
or Orders in Council, that is to say:—
(a) The Merchandize Marks Act, 1887;
(b) The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Acts, 1883 to 1902;
(c) The Trade Marks Act, 1905 ;
(d) Any Statute amending or substituted for any of the above-mentioned
(e) Any Statute, or Order in Council for the time being relating to copy¬
right, or to inventions, designs, or trade-marks, of which a copy is
kept exhibited in the public offices of the Consulates at Shanghai and
Seoul, and is there open for inspection by any person at all reason¬
able times;
shall, if done by a British subject in China or Corea, be punishable as a grave
offence against the Principal Order, whether such act is done in relation to any pro¬
perty or right of a British subject, or of a foreigner or native, or otherwise howsoever.
(1) That no person shall be punished under fhis Order for an act which would
be an offence against any Act, Statute, or Order in Council, the exhibition of which is
required by paragraph (e) above, unless such exhibition had commenced not less than
one month before the act took place, or unless the person offending is proved to have
had express notice of such Act, Statute, or Order in Council.
(2) That a prosecution by or on behalf of a prosecutor who is not a British
subject shall not be entertained, unless either (a) an arrangement is in force between
His Majesty’s Government and the Government of the State or Power to which the
prosecutor belongs, or (6) the Court is satisfied that effectual provision exists for the
punishment in Consular or other Courts in China or Corea of similar acts committed
by the subjects of such State or Power in relation to or affecting the interests of
British subjects. Where such an arrangement is in force the Minister may issue a
notification to that effect, and the Court shall take judicial notice thereof.
4. No action shall be brought for the protection of any copyright, trade-mark,
patent, or design by any person who is not a British subject, unless either (a) an
arrangement is in force between His Majesty’s Government and the Government of
the State or Power to which the plaintiff belongs, or‘(6) the Court is satisfied that
effectual provision exists for the protection in Consular or other Courts in China or
Corea of the rights and interests of British subject in copyrights, trade-marks,
patents, and designs infringed by the subjects of such State or Power.
Where such an arrangement is in force the Minister may issue a notification to
that effect, and the Court shall take judicial notice thereof.
5. The following Article shall take effect instead of Article 75 of the Principal
(1) Every person subject to the criminal jurisdiction of the Court who prints,
publishes, or offers for sale any printed or written newspaper or oilier publication
containing seditious matter shall be guilty of a grave offence against the Principal
Order, and may, in addition to, or in lieu of, any other punishment, be ordered to
give security fur good behaviour, and in default thereof, or on a further conviction
for the offence, he may be ordered to be deported.

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