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8. Where, by Order in Council made in pursuance of this Act, any Validity of acts
( British court in a foreign country is authorised to order the removal or Council 0riler
deportation of any person from that country, that removal or deportation,
and any detention for the purposes thereof, according to the provisions
of the Order in Council, shall be as lawful as if the order of the
court were to have effect wholly within that country.
9. It shall be lawful for Her Majesty the Queen in Council, by Power to assign
Order, to assign to or confer on any court in any British possession, or ^rinshConm in
held under the authority of Her Majesty, any jurisdiction, civil or criminal, cases within
original or appellate, which may lawfully by Order in Council be assigned jurisdiction Acv
to or conferred on any British court in any foreign country, and to
make such provisions and regulations as to Her Majesty in Council seem
meet respecting the exercise of the jurisdiction so assigned or conferred,
and respecting the enforcement and execution of the judgments, decrees,
orders, and sentences of any such court, and respecting appeals therefrom.
10. It shall be lawful for Her Majesty the Queen in Council to revoke Power to amend
| or vary any Order in Council made in pursuance of this Act. Coundi!"
11. Every Order in Council made in pursuance of this Act shall be Laying before
laid before both .Houses of Parliament forthwith after it is made, if andeffecfoV
Parliament be then in session, and if not, forthwith after the commence-
ment of the then next session of Parliament, and shall have effect as if it
were enacted in this Act.
12. —(1.) If any Order in Council made in pursuance of this Act as in what cases
respects any foreign country is in any respect repugnant to the provisions couneii’void for
of any Act of Parliament extending to Her Majesty’s subjects in that repugnancy,
cpuntry, or repugnant to any order or regulation made under the authority
of any such Act of Parliament, or having in that country the force and
effect of any such Act, it shall be read subject to that Act, order, or
regulation, and shall, to the extent of such repugnancy, but not otherwise,
be void.
(2.) An Order in Council made in pursuance of this Act shall not be,
or be deemed to have been, void on the ground of repugnancy to the
law of England unless it is repugnant to the provisions ot some such
Act of Parliament, order, or regulation as aforesaid.
13. —(1.) An action, suit, prosecution, or proceeding against any Prtmsions for
person for any act done in pursuance or execution or intended persons0”0*
execution of this Act, or of any enactment repealed by this Act, or of any
Order in Council made under this Act, or of any such jurisdiction of Her tion’Icts”118
Majesty as is mentioned in this Act, or in respect of any alleged neglect
or default in the execution of this Act, or of any such enactment, Order
in Council, or jurisdiction as aforesaid, shall not lie or be instituted :
(a.) in any court within Her Majesty’s dominions, unless it is
commenced within six months next after the act, neglect, or
default complained of, or in case of a continuance of injury or
damage within six months next after the ceasing thereof, or
where the cause, of action arose out of Her Majesty’s dominions
within six months after the parties to the action, suit, prosecu¬
tion, or proceeding have been within the jurisdiction of the
court in which the same is instituted ; nor
(b.) in any of Her Majesty’s courts without Her Majesty’s dominions
unless the cause of action.arose within the jurisdiction of that
court, and the action is commenced within six months next
after the act, neglect or default complained of, or, in case
of a continuance of injury, or damage, within six months next
after the ceasing thereof.

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