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Art. XXVII.—The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged
at Tokyo as soon as possible. It shall enter into operation on the 17th July, 1911,
and remain in force until the 16th July, 1923. In case neither of the high con¬
tracting parties shall have given notice to the other, twelve months before the ex¬
piration of the said period, of its intention to terminate the Treaty, it shall continue
operative until the expiration of one year from the date on which either of the high
contracting parties shall have denounced it.
As regards the British Dominions, Colonies, Possessions, and Pi-otectorates to
which the present Treaty may have been made applicable in virtue of Article XXVI.,
however, either of the high contracting parties shall have the right to terminate it
separately at any time on giving twelve months’ notice to that effect.
It is understood that the‘stipulations of the present and of the preceding Article
referring to British Dominions, Colonies, Possessions, and Protectorates apply also
to the island of Cyprus.
In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present
Treaty, and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms.
Done at London in duplicate this 3rd day of April, 1911.
!' (Signed) Takaxei Kato [l.s.]
„ E. G-eet „
No. in Japanese
Statutory Tariff.
Part I.
Description of
Unit of
of Duty
in Yen.
4. Other:
A. Each weighing not more than 6 kilogrammes including the
weight of the receptacle .. 100 kin. 4.25
(including receptacles.)
B. Other ' 100 kin. 3.30
275.—Linen-Yarns :—
1. Single :
A. Gray ... 100 „ 8.60
B. Other 100 „ 9.25
298.—Tissues of Cotton:—
1. Velvets, plushes, and other pile tissues, with piles cut or uncut:
A- Gray 100 „ 25.50
-B- Other 100 „ 30.00
7. Plain tissues, not otherwise provided for:
A. Gray:
■A\. Weighing not more than 5 kilogrammes per 100 square
metres, and having in a square of 5 millimetres side in
warp and woof:
a. 19 threads or less ... 100 „ ' 15.30
27 „ „ 100 „ 20.70
c- 35 „ „ 100 „ 28.70
43 „ „ 100 „ 38.00
e. More than 43 threads 100 „ 51.30

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