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(1185) Page 1076 -
Dir. of Gers.—J. McCubbin
Chaplain—E. B. Smith
Organist—H. Gittens
Inner Guard—E. J. Beck
Steward—J. Stout
Tyler—J. Vanstone
â– United Chapter, No. 1341 E.C.
M. E. Z.-W. Pincott
H.—A. Terrett
J.—W. Kent, actg.
Treas.—T. W. Williams
Scribe E.-W. H. Woolley
Do. N.—A. E. Powney
P. S.-C. W. Heard
1st Asst. Soj.—E. J. Jenkins
2nd do — H. Coxon
D. C.—J. Glassman
Steward—J. M. Evans
Janitor—J.G. Vanstone
United Servjce Lodge, No. 1341, E.C.
W. M.-C. W. Heard
I. P. M.—A. Terrett
S. W.—A. E- Powney
J. W.—T. W. Williams
Chap.—G. B. Holloway
Treasurer—W. Kent
Secretary—W. H. Woolley
D. C.—J. M. Evans
S. D.—H. Coxon
J. D.-E. H. Mace
A. D. C.— W. Thompson
Organist—E. J. Jenkins
I. G.—G. Cousins
Steward—G. H. Elliott
Do.—H. Ewens
Tyler—J. Vanstone
United Mark Lodge, No. 419, E.C.
W. M.-W Pineott
I. P. M.-F. A. Brown
S. W.-C. W. Heard
J. W.—A. E. Powney
M. O.—A. Terrett
S. Q.—G. Cousins
J. O.—H. E. Budden
Chap.— F. Crawley
Treas.—W. Kent
Secretary—W. B. Woolley
R. of Marks.—C.- C. Holland
S. D.—T. W. Williams
. J. D.— E. Glassman
Org.—E. J. Jenkins
D. C.—F. J. Hanney
Steward—J. BaffeR
Do.—J. V. Browne
I. G.—W. Thompson
Tyler.—J. Vanstone
?University Lodge op Hongkong, No.
. 3666
W. M. - A. C. .Franklin, f.i.c.
Treas.—Claud Severn, M.A.
Secty.—C. D. Melbourne
Victoria Chapter, No. 525, E.C.
M.E.Z.—M. E. Comp. H. Sykes
H.—Ex. Comp. A. Hamilton
J.—Ex. Coni]). A. E. Crapnell
Treasurer—Comp. E. W. H. James
Organist—Comp. S. D. Hickie
Scribe E.—Comp. Q. W. C. Burnett
Scribe N.—Comp.. W. Tulip
P. S.- Comp. W. H. Whiteley
First A. S.—Comp. T. W. Smith
Second A. S.—Comp. W. Taylor
Steward—Comp. D. C. Wilson
Janitor—J. Vanstone
Victoria Lodge, No. 1026
I. M.P.-H. G. White
W.M.—A. E. Wright
S.W.-C. Champkin
J. W.-M. W. Buck
Treasurer—J. Duncan
Secretary—J. M. Gordon
S.D.-H. J. Sleat
J. D.—R. Henderson
D.C.-—E. Ormiston
Organist—G. Grimble
Stewards—R. W. Lee Jones and W.
E. Douglas
Inner Guard —T. G. Weall
Tyler—J. Vanstone
Victoria Preceptory and Priory, 78
Preceptor—F. Graham
1st Const.—J. W. White
2nd Const.—P. H. Holyoak
Chaplain—A. Morris
Treasurer—W. V. M. Koch
Registrar—H. B. Bridger
Marshall—Ur. G. Wood
Capt. of Guard—W. J. Tutcher
Almoner—A. G. Coppin
Herald—Capt. M. W. Buck, R. E. (T)
1st St Bearer—C. A. D. Melbourne
2nd St do. —A V. Hogg
Organist—H. Sykes
Guard—J. Vanstone
Zetland Lodge, No. 525, E.C.
Worshipful Master—Wor. Bro.
W. Tulip.
Immediate Past Master—Wor. Bro.
W. J. Tutcher
I. P. M.—A. T. Hamilton
Senior Warden—Bro. G. W. C.
Junior Warden—Bro. E. W. H. James
Chaplain—Bro. A. Hicks
Treasurer—Wor. Bro. H. Sykes
Secretary—Wor. Bro.A. Morris
Director of Ceremonies—Bra. W. L.

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