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Newspapers and Periodicals
Bulletin Commercial d’Extreme Orient
China Press
China Weekly
Chinese Christian Advocate
Chinese Christian Intelligencer
Chinese Illustrated News
Par Eastern Review
Hallock’s Chinese Almanack
L’Echo de Chine
National Review
North-China Daily News & Herald
Shanghai Mercury
Shanghai Times
Shi Djao Yueh Bao
Shipping & Engineering
Shun Pao
Sin Wan Pao
The Union
Nurserymen and Florists
Avenue Nurseries
Shanghai Nurseries
The Shanghai Flora
Oil Merchants and Oil Millers
Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld.
Maatschappij Tot-Mijn-Boschen Land-
Standard Oil Co., New York
Vacuum Oil Co.
Goddard, Dr. J.
Hirsbrunner & Co.
Ismer & Co., C.
Lazarus & Co., N.
National Optical Co., Ld.
Rasmussen, Dr. O. D.
Ullman & Co.
Broadway Drapery & Outfitting Stores
Cantorovitch & Co.
Hall & Holtz, Ld.
Lane, Crawford & Co.
Macbeth, Pawsey & Co.
Shanghai Stores Co.
Weeks & Co., Ld.
Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co.
Wilck & Mielenhausen
Paint Manufacturers
Banham, F. C. (Wilkinson, Hey wood &
Hoyle, Robson, Barnett & Co.
Paraffine Paint Co.
Paper Manufacturers
China Paper Mill Co.
Fukui Yoko
U. S. Paper Export. Assoc.
Mitsu Bishi Co.
Bemardi Bros.
Bianchi, C.
Royal Biscuit Co., Ld.
Sweetmeat Castle
Phonograph Dealers
Nipponophone Co., Ltd.
Burr Photo Co.
Rembrandt Photo Co.
Photographic Goods Dealers
Denniston & Sullivan
Dutton & Co.
Grenard & Co., L.
M. P. Sales Agency, Ltd.
Rembrandt Photo Co.
Pianoforte Makers
Moutrie & Co., S.
Robinson Piano Co.
Postage Stamps Dealer
Sanders, J. M.
Press Packers
Central and North China Godowns and!
Press Packing Co.
Ewo-Yuen Packing Co.
Mackenzie & Co., Ld.
American Presbyterian Mission Press
Chester, R.
China Printing Co.
Commercial Press, Ld.
De Souza <fe Ce.
Deutsche Druckerei und Verlagsaustali
Far Eastern Exchange Tables Co.
Kelly & Walsh, Ld.
Methodist Publishing House
N. C. Daily News, Ld.
Norbury, Natzio & Co., Ld.
Rodsil & Co.
Oriental Press
Shanghai Mercury, Ld.
Zi-ka-wei Press
Provision Importers
Central Stores, Ld.
Comp. Commerciale d’Extreme Orient
Getz Bros. & (Jo.
Hall & Holtz, Ld.
Lane, Crawford & Co.
Shainin’s Russian Provision Store
Commercial Press, Ld.
Deutsche Druckerei und Verlagsaultalt
Evans & Sons, Ld., Edward
Far Eastern Exchange Tables Co.
Far Eastern Geographical Establishment
Kelly & Walsh, Ld.
Methodist Publishing House
North China Daily News, Ld.
Oriental Press
Oxford University Press China Agency
Rosenstock J ublishing Co.
Shanghai Mercury, Ld.
Signs of The Times Publishing House
Telegram Code Compiling and Publish¬
ing Bureau
Canadian Pacific Ocean Services
Chinese Eastern Railway Co.
Chinese Government Railways

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