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The surplus of ordinary income over expenditure, Tls. 269,264.97, and extraordinary
income from various sources, including Tls. 400,000 raised by debentures, amounted
'together to Tls. 910,795.48 and the extraordinary expenditure for drainage, land, roads,
. and buildings to Tls. 1,008,277.79 leaving a deficit carried forward of Tls. 97,482.31.
The Ordinary Municipal Revenue for 1916 was estimated at Tls. 3,227,850 and the
Ordinary Expenditure at Tls. 2,901,850; the Extraordinary Revenue, consisting of
estimated surplus of Tls. 326,000 Miscellaneous Tls. 30,000 and Tls. 650,000 to be raised
; by debentures, at Tls. 1,006,000 and the Extraordinary Expenditure at Tls. 1,038,192.
The Revenue of the French Concession for 1915 was Tls. 798,789.35. The sources
:'£rom which it was derived were:—
Land Tax, five-tenths of 1 per cent.... ... ... ... Tls.
] Foreign House Tax, 8 per cent
Native House Tax, 12 per cent ... ...
'Licences, principally vehicles...
Taxes, various
Rent of Quays and Jetties, Wharfage Dues, Ground Rents, etc....
Slaughter-Houses :
Tls. 798,789.35
The Expenditure of the French Municipality in 1915 amounted to Tls. 943,658.52
- and was divided as under:—
Secretariat (Staff and General Charges) Tls. 44,946.02
Police Department 170,791.09
Public Works ... 240,752.44
Medical and Sanitary 43,195.40
Allowances and Donations 30,120.83
Lighting, Tls. 47,679.67, Fire Brigade, Tls. 11,564.46 59,244.13
Schools, Tls. 3:',173.48, Telegraphs and Telephones, Tls. 11,944.57... 45,118.05
Volunteers, Tls. 1,204.33, Municipal Printing Office, Tls. 6,099.42... 7,303.75
Miscellaneous Sundries 13,173.17
Interest and Sinking Fund 91,576.14
Public Works Extraordinary 197,437.50
Tls. 943,658.52
The ordinary Revenue for 1916, including a balance of Tls. 42,674.99 from 1915, was
.estimated at Tls. 863(339.99 and the Expenditure at Tls. 857.518.00, and the
Extraordinary Receipts, including balance of Tls. 87,618.50 from the 1914 Loan and a
New Loan of Tls. 350,000, at Tls. 447,243.50 and the Extraordinary Expenditure at Tls.
. 334,225.
The Foreign population increased rapidly up to 1865, but declined considerably
during the next ten years. The census of 1865 gave the number of Foreign residents
in the three Settlements as_ 2,757, army and navy (British) 1,851, shipping 981, a total
of 5,589. In 1870, the total in the Anglo-American Settlement was 1,666; in 1876.1,673 ;
in 1880, 2,197; in 1885, 3,673; in 1890, 3,821; in 1895, 4,684; in 1900, 7,396; in 1905,
11,497. By the census of 15th October, 1910, there were in both Settlements a total
of 15,012 foreigners; 1,356 in the British Settlement, now called Central District,
8,658 in Hongkew, now Northern and Eastern Districts, 3,522 in Western Dis-
tnct, Outside Roads and Pootung, and 1,476 in the French Settlement, an increase
of 21'74 per cent, during the latter five years, against 45 per cent, during
the previous five. When the last census was taken in October, 1915, the number of
foreigners in the two Settlements had grown to 20,924 ; 18,519 in the International
Settlement and 2,405 in the French Settlement. The fluctuations in the foreign popula-
• tion have been very remarkable. Between 1870 and 1880 the number of adult males
decreased, while in the next five years it increased by over fifty per cent. In the nine
years, 1876 to 1885, the whole foreign population more than doubled, but in the next
five years it showed an increase of only 148, of whom 144 were children. The
increase has been mostly' in the Hongkew district, where the population is now twelve
times what it was in 1880, while during the same period the British Settlement has
increased by only 4s]. While the foreign adult males have increased only about seven

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