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ior the time being in force, in respect of the violation whereof anv
penalty is stipulated for in the Treaty, he shall be deemed guilty of an
offence against the Treaty, and on conviction thereof under this Order
*hall be liable to the penalty stipulated in the Treaty.
74. —(1) Where, by agreement among the Diplomatic or Consular
representatives in China and Corea of foreign States, or some of them, in
conjunction with the Chinese or Corean authorities, Sanitary, or Police,
or Port, or Game, or other Regulations are established, and the same,
as far as they affect British subjects, are approved by the Secretary
of State, the Court may, subject and according to the provisions of this
Order, entertain any complaint made against a British subject for a
breach of those Regulations, and may enforce payment of any fine
incurred by that subject or person in respect of tliat breach, in like
manner, as nearly as may be, as if that breach were by this Order
declared to be an offence against this Order.
(2) In any such case the fine reeoveied shall, notwithstanding any¬
thing in this Order, be disposed of and applied in manner provided by
those Regulations.
75. Every person subject to the criminal jurisdiction of the Court
who prints, publishes, or offers for sale any printed or written newspaper
•or other publication containing matter calculated to excite tumult or
disorder, or to excite enmity between His Majesty’s subjects, and the
Government of China or Corea, as the case may be, or between that
Government and its subjects, shall be guilty of a grave offence against
this Order, and may, in addition to, or in lieu of, any other punishment, be
ordered to give security for good behaviour, and in default thereof, or on a
further conviction for the like offence, he may be ordered to be deported.
An offence against this Article shall not be tried except by the
Supreme Court.
76. —(1) If a British subject—
(1) Publicly derides, mocks, or insults any religion established or
observed within China or Corea; or
fii) Publicly offers insult to any religious service, feast, or ceremony
established or kept in any part of those dominions, or to any
place of worship, tomb, or sanctuary belonging to any religion
established or observed within those dominions, or to the
ministers or professors thereof; or
{iii) Publicly and wilfully commits any act tending to bring any
religion established or observed within those dominions, or its
ceremonies, mode of worship, or observances, into hatred,
ridicule, or contempt, and thereby to provoke a breach of the
public peace;
he shall be guilty of an offence, and on conviction thereof, liable to
imprisonment not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and
with or without a fine not exceeding <£50, or to a fine alone not exceed¬
ing <£50.
(2) Notwithstanding anything in this Order, every charge under
this Article shall be heard and determined by the Court alone, without
jury or assessors, and any Provincial Court shall have power to 'impose
the punishment aforesaid.
(3) Consular officers shall take such precautionary measures as
seem to them proper and expedient for the prevention of such offences.
77. —(1) If any person, subject to the criminal jurisdiction of a
Court, does any of the following things, namely:—
(a) Wilfully, by act or threat, obstructs an officer of, or person
executing any piocess of, the Court in the performance of his
duty; or

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