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“ Month ” means calendar month.
“ Oath ” and “ affidavit,” in the case of persons for the time being
allowed by law to affirm or declare, instead of swearing, include
affirmation and declaration, and the expression “ swear,” in the
like case, includes affirm and declare.
“Offence” includes crime, and any act or omission punishable
criminally in a summary way or otherwise.
“ Person ” includes Corporation.
“ Prescribed ” means prescribed by Eegulations or Pules of Court.
“ Prosecutor ” means complainant or any person appointed or allowed
by the Court to prosecute.
“ Proved ” means shown by evidence on oath, in the form of affidavit,
or other form, to the satisfaction of the Court or Consular
officer acting or having jurisdiction in the matter, and “ proof”
means the evidence adduced in that behalf.
“Rules of Court” means rules of Court made under the provisions
of this Order.
“ Secretary of State ” means one of His Majesty’sPrincipal Secretaries
of State.
“Ship” includes any vessel used in navigation, however propelled,
with her tackle, furniture and apparel, and any boat or other craft.
“ The Treasury ” means the Commissioners of His Majesty’s Treasury.
“ Treaty ” includes any Convention, Agreement, or Arrangement,
made by or on behalf of His Majesty with any State or Govern¬
ment, whether the Government of China or of Corea is a party
thereto or not.
“ Will” means will, codicil, or other testamentary instrument.
Expressions used in any rules, regulations, or orders made under this
Order shall, unless a contrary intention appears, have the same respective
meanings as in this Order.
4. —(1) In this Order, words importing the plural or the singular Rules of
may be construed as referring to one person or thing, or to more than Co,lst'ructlon-
qne person or thing, and words importing the masculine as referring to
the feminine (as the case may require).
(2) Where this Order confers any power or imposes any duty, then,
unless a contrary intention appears, the power maybe exercised and the
duty shall be performed from time to time as occasion requires.
(3) Where this Order confers a power, or imposes a duty on, or
with respect to, a holder of an office, as such, then, unless a contrary
intention appears, (he power may be exercised and the duty shall be per¬
formed by, or with respect to, the holder for the time being of the office
or the person temporarily acting for the holder.
(4) Where this Order confers a power to make any rules, regulations,
or orders, the power shall, unless a contrary intention appears, be construed
as including a power exercisable in the like manner and subject to the
like consent and conditions, if any, to rescind, revoke, vary, or amend
the rules, regulations, or orders.
(5) This Article shall apply to the construction of any rules, regula¬
tions, or orders made under this Order, unless a contrary intention appears.
5. The jurisdiction conferred by this Order extends to the persons Extent of
and matters following, in so far as by Treaty, grant, usage, sufferance, or Jurisdlctlon-
other lawful means, His Majesty has jurisdiction in relation to such
matters and things, that is to say:—
(1) British subjects, as hei-ein defined, within the limits of this Order.
(2) The property and all personal or proprietary rights and liabilities
within the said limits of British subjects, whether such subjects
are within the said limits or not.

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