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4. —The Chinese Government agree that Transit Duty Certificates shall be
framed under one rule at all ports, no difference being made in the conditions set forth
therein; and that, so far as imports are concerned, the nationality of the person
possessing and carrying these is immaterial. Native produce carried from an inland
centre to a port of shipment, if bond fide intended for shipment to a foreign port,
may be, by treaty, certified by the British subject interested, and exempted by
payment of the half duty from all charges demanded upon it en route. If produce be
not the property of a British subject, or is being carried to a port not for exportation,
it is not entitled to the exemption that would be secured it by the exhibition of a
transit duty certificate. The British Minister is prepared to agree with the Tsung-li
Yamen upon rules that will secure the Chinese Government against abuse of the
privilege as affecting produce.
The words nei-ti (inland) in the clause of Article VII. of the Buies appended to
the Tariff, regarding carriage of imports inland, and of native produce purchased
inland, apply as much to places on the sea coasts and river shores as to places in the
interior not open to foreign trade; the Chinese Government having the right to make
arrangements for the prevention of abuses thereat.
5. —Article XLV. of the Treaty of 1858 prescribed no limit to the term within
which a drawback may be claimed upon duty-paid imports. The British Minister
agrees to a term of three years, after expiry of which no drawback shall be claimed.
6. —Toe foregoing stipulation, that certain ports are to be opened to foreign trade,
and that landing and shipping of goods at six places on the Great Biver is to be
sanctioned, shall be given effect to within six months after receipt of the Imperial
Decree approving the memorial of the Grand Secretary Li. The date for giving effect
to the stipulations affecting exemption of imports from lelcin taxation within the for¬
eign settlements and the collection of lelcin upon opium by the Customs Inspectorate
at the same time as the Tariff Duty upon it, will be fixed as soon as the British Gov¬
ernment has arrived at an understanding on the subject with other foreign Governments.
7. —The Governor of Hongkong having long complained of the interference of
the Canton Customs Bevenue Cruisers with the junk trade of that Colony, the Chinese
Government agrees to the appointment of a Commission, to consist of a British Consul,
an officer of the Hongkong Government, and a Chinese official of equal rank, in order
do the establishment of some system that shall enable the Chinese Government to
protect its revenue without prejudice to the interests of the Colony.
Separate Article
Her Majesty’s Government haying it in contemplation to send a Mission of
Exploration next year by way of Peking through Kan-su and Koko-Nor, or by way of
Ssu-chuen, to Thibet, and thence to India, the Tsung-li Yamen, having due regard
to the circumstances, will, when the time arrives, issue the necessary passports, and
will address letters to the high provincial authorities and to the Besident in Thibet.
If the Mission should not be sent by these routes, but should be proceeding across
the Indian frontier to Thibet, the Tsung-li Yamen, on receipt of a communication to
the above eftect from the British Minister, will write to the Chinese Besident in
Thibet, and the Besident, with due regard to the circumstances, will send officers to
teke due care of the Mission; and passports for the Mission will be issued by the
Tsung-li Yamen, that its passage be not obstructed.
Done at Chefoo, in the province of Shan-tung, this thirteenth day of September,
in tue year of Our Lird One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-six.
[l.s.J Thomas Francis Wade.
£l.s.] Li Htjng-chang.

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