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Sunrise Sunset
1st 7h. 02m. 6h. 11m.
'15th 6h. 5om. 6h. 20m.
Moon’s Phases
d. h.
"Full Moon 7 11
Last Quarter 15 9
New Moon 22 2
First Quarter 29 0
28 A.M.
53 A.M.
9 A.M.
44 A.M.
Hongkong Temperature
1915 1916
Maximum 67.8 62.9
Minimum 59.4 56.1
Mean 63.6 59.6
Barometer, 1916
Mean 30.03
1915 Rainfall 1916
0.505 inches 1.305 inches
Hays oi ; Days of 1 <S; 2 j
Wkek | Month Moons
Chronology of Rf.markable Evf.ntb
Inhabitants of Hongkong declared British subjects, 1841. The Additional Article to
Chefoo Convention came into force, 1887. First meeting of International Commission on
Opium at Shanghai, 1909.
Tlie German Club at Hongkong opened, 1872. Weihaiwei citadel captured by Japanese,
1896. Loss of Daijin Maru, in the China Sea, 160 lives lost, 1916.
4 13
5 14
6 16
Satur. 10
Sun. 11
Mon. 12
Great robbery in the Central Bank, Hongkong, discovered, 1865. Agreement opening
West River signed, 1897.
Anti-foreign riot at Chinkiang, foreign houses burned and looted, 1889. Local Administra¬
tive bodies in China suppressed, 1914.
The Spanish Envoy Haleon arrived at Macao to demand satisfaction from the Chinese for
the burning of the Spanish brig “ Bilbaino,” 1840. Japan broke off diplomatic relations
with Russia, 1904. Japanese str. “ Tatsu Maru ” seized by Chinese gunboats near Macao
for alleged smuggling arms, 1908. Sir George Phillippo, a former Chief Justice of Hong¬
kong, died at Geneva, 1914.
Suez (’anal adopted as the regular route for the Eastern Mails, 1888.
The Spanish fleet leaves the port of Cavite, by order of the Governor of Manila, for the
purpose of taking Formosa, 1626. Hostilities between Russia and Japan begun by
Russian gunboat off Chemulpo, 1904. Japanese made a successful torpedo attack at
midnight on Russia’s Port Arthur squadron, 1904.
The “ Henrietta Maria ” was found drifting about in the Palawan Passage, captain, crew,
and 250 coolies missing, 1857. Murder of Messrs. Kiddle and Sutherland at Mengka on
Yunnan border, 1900. Naval fight at Port Arthur between Japanese and Russian fleets
with disastrous consequences to the latter, 1904.
The Japanese constitution granting representative government proclaimed by the
Emperor in person at Tokyo, 1889.
China’s New Currency Laws published, 1914.
22 Outbreak of convicts in Singapore Gaol, 1875. Surrender of Liukungtao Island forts
and remainder of the Chinese fleet to the Japanese, 1895. Manchu Rulers of China
announce their abdication, 1912. Sir Robert Ho Tung gives $50,000 to Hongkong
| University, 1915
23 [ Tung Wa Hospital, Hongkong, opened by Sir R. G. MacDonnell, 1872.
24 I Ports of Hongkong and Tinghai declared free, 1841. The Chinese frigate “ Yu-yuen ”
j and corvette “ Chin-cheng ” sunk by the French in Sheipoo harbour, 1885. Mutiny of
j Indian troops at Singapore, involving the loss of a number of lives, 1915,
25 I Insurgents evacuated Shanghai, 1855. Stewart scholarship at Central School, Hongkong,-
^ j founded, 1884. Alice Memorial Hospital, Hongkong, opened, 1887.
27 The U. S. paddle man-of-war “ Ashuelot ” wrecked on the East Lammock Rock, near
| Swatow, 1883.
28 Lord Amherst’s Embassy, returning from China, shipwrecked in the Java Sea, 1817.
29 ! Shrove Tuesday. China’s Provincial Assemblies suppressed, 1914.
Thurs 22
i’ri. 23
.Satur. 24
.Sun. j 25
Mon. | 26
'Tues. 27
Wed. j 28
Ash Wednesday. Mr. A. R.Margary,of H.B.M.’s Consular Service, was murdered atManwyne,
Yunnan, by Chinese, 1875. Statue of Li Hung Chang unveiled at Shanghai, 1906. Consort
of the Emperor Kwangsu died, 1913. Hongkong A.D.C. Centenary Production, 1914.
Massacre of missionaries at Nanchang, 1906.
Hostilities between England and China recommenced, 1841. Steamer “Queen” captured
and burnt by pirates, 1857. First stone of the Hongkong City Hall laid, 1867.
Chusan evacuated by the British troops, 1841. Explosion of boiler of the str. “ Yotsai"
between Hongkong and Macao; six Europeans and thirteen Chinese killed and vessel
destroyed, 1884. Preliminary agreement signed by the Govt, of China for the loan of
£4,000,000 from the Banque Industrielle de Chine to build a railway from Yunnan to
Yamchow (Kwangtung), 1914.
1st in Lent. Captain Da Costa and Lieut. Dwyer murdered at Wong-ma-kok, in Hong¬
kong, 1849. Chinese Imperial Edict issued dismissing the Dalai Llama of Tibet, 1910.
Bogue Forts, Canton, destroyed by Sir Gordon Bremer, 1841.
Treaty of peace between Japan and Corea signed at Kokwa, 1876. Evacuation of
Port Hamilton by the British forces, 1887.
Capture of the Sulu capital by the Spaniards, 1876.

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