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BRISTOL TO EXETER, &c.—Continued.
tower 153 feet high.
Some remains of the
castle exist. Chaucer’s
son was governor of it.
It returns two members
to Parliament, and con¬
tains a population of
about 15,000.
Holcombe Roqcs,
Tudor Mansion, and
Perpendicular Church.
170 m. from London.
Wellington is a neat
town situated close to
the Watling Street.
The trade is chiefly in
serges and potteries.
The church, a hand¬
some Gothic structure,
contains the monu¬
ment of Sir John Pop-
ham, whose house was
destroyed in the Civil
War. This place gives
title to the Duke of
Wellington, to whom
a column was erected
on Blackdown Hill.
Population, 1851, 3926.
Bcrlescombe. Church
has an ancient screen.
Uptculme, 4 m. gar
Fine church, recently
■O Halberton, 2 m.
Fine old church.
Enter Devonshire.
Enter the Whitehall
Tunnel, 5 furlongs long.
jC* Branch to Tiv¬
erton, 5 m. distant.
Tiverton is an ancient
municipal town, agree¬
ably situated on the
slope of a hill. The
church is an inte¬
resting edifice, con¬
taining several monu¬
ments. The view from
the churchyard is strik¬
ingly picturesque. The
castle gate, towers, and
part of the walls re¬
main. It returns two
members to Parlia-
Tiverton Junction,
179 m. from London.
Bradfidd Hall, (fir
B. Walrond, Esq., 1J m.
The line passes through
the valley of the Culme,
famous for its eels.
Kino's Mill.
181J m. from London.
Cullompton, a market
town of great anti¬
quity, was left by
Alfred to his son Eth-
elward. The church
is large, and in Later
English, consisting of
three aisles. Tker-
10 m. to Honiton £3r
Plvmtree, 4 m. iKfT
The Perpendic. Church
has a screen, and a
niche in west face of
the tower.