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27 d Defcripticn of BEASTS.
40 As APE (the mofi common Sort of which is
that called Smitten) is of a pale Moufe-Colour, and
grows to a wonderful Size, fome of them being five
Feet long. It is fo bold and mifchievous, that it will
attack a Man. The Negroes are fo filly, as to believe
thefe Apes can fpeak, but will not, left they ftiould
be fet to Work, which, they fuppofe, they don’t like.
Baboons and Monkeys have Tails, but the Apes
41. The BEAR APE, a very deformed Beaft of
America, has his Belly hanging very low, his Head
and Face'like a Child’s; his Skin of an Alh-Colour,
and Hair like a Bear’s; he has but three Claws upon
a Foot, as long as four Fingers, whereby he climbs
up the higheft Trees, and for the moft Part lives
upon the Leaves of a certain Tree common in thofe
Parts. It will not eat the Flefh, nor attempt the Life
of Man : But, when tamed, is very fond of Mankind.
He does not feem wet, tho’ he has been long in the
42. The FOX APE is in the fore Part like a
Fox, and in the hinder Part like an Ape. Under
the common Belly it has a Skin like a Bag, wherein
it keeps, lodges, and carries its Young, till they are
able to provide for themfelves. Neither do they come
out of that Receptacle, except it be to fuck the Dam,
or fport themfelves; fo that it is the beft Shelter
againft all its Enemies. For it is exceeding fwift in
running with that Load, as if it had no Burden
at all.
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