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THE Infiruftien of Children having been
always thought, by wife Men, of great
Ufe, both with regard to the prefent Age,
'and to Pofterity and mofi of the Bocks,
which have been made ufe of to introduce
Children into an Habit of Reading, being
fuch as tend rather to cloy than entertain
than ; I have thought ft, with fhort De-
feriptions of Animals, and Piblures fairl)
drawn {which lajl Experience Jloews them ti
be much delighted with) to engage their At¬
tention. I have therefore extracted from
fame of the mofl conftderable Authors a Jbort
Account of Beafts, Birds, Fijhcs, Seipents,
and Infebls ; which, I hope, will prove the
more acceptable, there having been nothing
done {that I know of) in this Nature, jo
xompendioufy, for the Entertainment of Chil¬
dren. I have forborne to be very particular
in the Dcfcripticn of thofe Animals, which
almoft every Child is acquainted with. If
this brief Effay Jhall any IVays contribute to
the End propefed, let God have the Glory,
and the Compiler the good Wifhes and Prayers
cf Parents.
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