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And shortly we shall meet in heav’n,
« Our hope, our way, our end the same.
May He, by whose hind care we meet,
/ Send his good Spirit from above.
Make our communications sweet,
And cause our hearts to burn with love f
4 Forgotten be each worldly theme,
When Christians see each other thus.
We only wish to speak of him,
Who liv’d and died, and reigns for ns»
.5 We’ll talk of all he did and said.
And suffer’d for us here below,
[' The path he mark’d for us to tread.
And what he’s doing for us nt>w.
|6 Thus, as the moments pass away,
- We’ll love, and wonder, and adore.
And hasten on the glorious day.
When we shall meet to part no more.
i' Christian Fellowship.
I IJLF.SSTD be the tie that binds
i Our hearts in Christian love ;
The fellowship of kindred minds
j Is like to that above.
5 Before our Father’s throne
We pour our ardent pray’rs ;
Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one.
Our comforts and our cares.
Js We share our mutual woes ;
: Our mutual burdens bear ;
And often for each other flows
The sympathking tear.
4 When we asunder part,
, It gives us inward pain.