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CT. II.]
605, 606
The Increase of the Church promised and pleaded.
Psalm ii. 8.
T7ATHER, is not thy promise pledg’d
To thine exalted Son,
'That thro’ the nations of the earth
Thy word of life shall run ?
“ Ask, and 1 give the heathen lands
“ For thine inheritance,
And to the world’s remotest shores
“ Thine empire shall advance,”
i i Hast thou not said the blinded Jews
Shall their Redeemer own;
While Gentiles to his standard crowd, '
And bow before his throne ?
Are not all kingdoms, tribes, and tongues,
Under th’ expanse of heav’n.
To the dominion of thy Son,
Without exemption giv’n ?
'â– Worn East to West, from North to South,
Then be his name ador’d !
1 '(Europe, with all thy millions, shout.
Hosannas to thy Lord!
. Asia and Africa, resound
From shore to shore his fame:
And thou America, in songs
Redeeming love proclaim !
A Vision of the Kingdom, of Christ amms Men. i
Rev. xxi. 1—i.
TO! what a glorious sight appears
To our admiring eyes;
The former seas have pass’d away,
1 The former earth and skies.
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