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475,476 HYMNS. [part
2 Let all your lamps be bright,
, And trim the golden flame;
Gird up yonr loins, as in his sight.
For awful is his name.
3 Watch,’tis your Lord’s command;
And while we speak, he’s near:
Mark the first signal of his hand.
And ready all appear.
4 O happy servant he
In such a posture found!
He shall his Lord with rapture see,
And be with honour crown’d.
5 Christ shall the banquet spread
With his own bounteous hand.
And raise that favour’d servant’s head
Amidst th’ angelic band.
Holy Zeal and Diligence.
1 L^T'HILE carnal men, w’ith all their might,
' ’ Earth’s vanities pursue.
How slow th’ advances which I make,-
With heav’n itself in view!
2 Inspire my soul with holy zeal;
Great God, my love inflame;
Religion, without zeal and love,
Is but an empty name.
3 To gain the top of Zion’s hill,
May I with fervour strive;
And all those pow’rs employ for thee
Which I from thee derive!
Good Works accepted through Christ.
X OD of all-redeeming grace.