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1 This only can prepare the heart
For death’s important hour.
. Death terrible to the Unconverted. Eccl. xii. 1, 7.
Isa. Ixv. 20.
. "VTOW in the heat of youthful blood
^ Remember your Creator God,
Behold, the months come hast’ning on
| When you shall say. My joys are gone.
2 Behold, the aged sinner goes,
Laden with guilt and heavy woes,
j. Down to the regions of the dead,
' With endless curses on his head.
~3 The dust returns to dust again,
» The soul in agonies of pain
f Ascends to God, not there to dwell.
But hears her doom, and sinks to hell.
4 Eternal King, I fear thy name,
: Teach me to know how frail I am;
1) And when my soul must, hence remove,
, Give me a mansion in thy love.
The Death of a Sinner.
11 T'tEATH! ’tis a melancholy day
I ^ To those that have no God,
When the poor soul is forc’d away
To seek her last abode.
2 In vain to heav’n she lifts her eyes,
But guilt, a heavy chain.
Still drags her downward from the skips
To darkness, fire, and gain.
* 3 Awake and mourn, ye heirs of hell.
Let stubborn sinners fear,
N 4