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Human Righteousness insufficient to justify. •;
Mic. vi. G—8.
1 WHEREWITH, O Lord, shall I draw near, I ,
V ’ Or bow myself before thy face ?
How in thy purer eyes appear ?
What shall I bring to gain thy grace ?
2 Will gifts delight the Lord most high ?
Will multiplied oblations please ?
Thousands of rams his favour buy.
Or slaughter’d mii'iions e’er appease ?
5 Can these assuage the wrath of God ?
Can these wash out my guilty stain ?
Rivers of oil, or seas of blood,
Alas! they all must flow in vain.
4 What have I then wherein to trust ?
I nothing have, I nothing am;
Excluded is my ev’ry boast,
My glory swallow’d up in shame,
j Guilty, I stand before thy face;
My sole desert, is hell and wrath;
’Twere just the sentence should take place;
But O, I plead my Saviour’s death !
6 I plead the merits of thy Son,
Who died for sinners on the tree;
I plead his righteousness alone,
O put the spotless robe on me.
The Believer's Righteousness. Phil. iii. 7, 8,9.
I quit the hopes I held before.
To trust the merits of thy Son.