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1 ?-T. V.]
1 *Twas in a most accepted hour
' His pray’r arose on high ;
i And for his sake the Lord shall hear
7 The needy when they cry.
Himself he cannot save." Matth. xxvil. #2.
TTIMSELF he cannot save.”
A Insulting foe, ’tts true :
i IThe words a gracious meaning have,
, [ Tho’ meant in scorn by you.
[ “ Himself he cannot save.”
I This is his highest praise.
Himself for other’s sake he gave.
And suffers in their place.
• It were an easy part
! For him the cross to fly;
But love to sinners fill’d his lie art,
jj And made him choose to die.
i ’Tis love the cause unfolds,
! The deep mysterious cause;
Why he, who all the world upholds,
j Hangs upon yonder cross.
; Let carnal Jews blaspheme,
. And worldly wisdom mock :
The Saviour’s cross shall he my theme,
I And Christ himself my Ilock.
i I leave the world for this ;
Let others share its toys;
11 envy not their fancied bliss;. -
| The cross yields purer joys.
The Death of Christ. John xix. SO,
EHOLD the Saviour on the cross,
spectacle of^woe; w ^