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Pemberton and his party soon came up with the
young. Indians who had remained to chase the
buffaloes. He found them sheltered behind a
little mound, making preparation for an immediate
attack on the animals, which, however, were not
yet visible to the men from the fort.
“ I do believe they’ve seen buffaloes on the other
side of that mound,” said Pemberton, as he rode
He was right. The Indians, of whom there were
six, well mounted and armed with strong short
bows, pointed to the mound, and said that on the
other side of it there were hundreds of buffaloes.
As the animals were so numerous, no objection
was made to the fur-traders joining in the hunt,
so in another moment the united party leaped from
their horses and prepared for action. Some wiped
out and carefully loaded their guns, others ex¬
amined the priming of their pieces, and chipped
the edges off the flints to make sure of their not
missing fire. All looked to the girths of their
saddles, and a few threw off their coats and rolled
their shirt-sleeves up to their shoulders, as if they
were going to undertake hard and bloody work.
Mr. Pemberton took in hand to look after our
friend Heywood, the rest were well qualified to
look after themselves. In five minutes they were
all re-mounted and rode quietly to the brow of the