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eye, neither have I seen Muskrat, but I certainly
have had a pretty long chat with one o’ my old
friends,” answered Jasper, while a quiet smile
played on his face.
“ Well, come along and have a pipe and a chat
with me. I hope you count me one of your
friends too,” said Mr. Pemberton, conducting Jas¬
per into an inner room, where he found Heywood
and Arrowhead seated at a table, doing justice to
a splendid supper 6f buffalo-tongues, venison-
steaks, and marrow-bones. “ Here are your com¬
rades, you see, hard at work. It’s lucky you came
to-night, Jasper, for I intend to be off to-morrow
morning, by break of day, on a buffalo hunt. If
you had been a few hours later of arriving, I
should have missed you. Come, will you eat or
“ I’ll eat first, if you have no objection,” said
Jasper, “ and smoke afterwards.”
“ Very good. Sit down, then, and get to work.
Meanwhile, I’ll go and look after the horses that
we intend to take with us to-morrow. Of course
you’ll accompany us, Jasper?”
“ I’ll be very glad, and so will Arrowhead,
there. There’s nothing he likes so much as a
chase after a buffalo, unless, it may be, the eating
of him. But as for my friend and comrade Mr.
Heywood, he must speak for himself.”
“ I will be delighted to go,” answered the