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The British Grammar.
Examples of fa Ife Syntax.
Do you fee that Boys Rudenefs, he had almoft hit
the Womans Face. This is Johns Book, he has read
Virgils Eneid and Horners Iliad. He admires Horaces
Art of Poetry and Ovrds Works. Have you read
Miltons Poems or Thom font Seafons ? I have read Popes
Homer and Dry dens Virgil. The Churches Peace is
to be maintained. That is the black Bitches Puppy.
The Fifes Tail flipped out of my Hand. 1 held by
the Horfes Mane. ' Georges Horfe gallops well. This
is the Pages'HttP That is her Graces Coach. He
drinksMilk. This is Charless Dog ; I found him
in St. Jamess Park. A wife Mans Anger is of fhort
Continuance. An Harlots Breath is the Gate of
Death. A wife Son hears his Fathers Inftruftions,
A Mans beft or worft Fortune is his Wife. A Beg¬
gars Song is more chearful than a Thiefs. Better ro
be a Dogs Head, than a Lions Tail. Content is the
Poors Riches, Defire the rich Mans Poverty. Good
Education is the Foundation of Mans Happinefs. In-
duftry is Fortunes right Hand, and Frugality her left.
Learning is the rich Mans Ornament, and the Poors
Riches. Money is the Mifers God, which he falutes
at an humble Diftance, and dares not be too familiar
with. Make no Mans Misfortune the Subjeft of De-
rifion. Poets gives Virtues Name a never-dying Fame.
Succefs is Gods ufual Reward of Diligence and Pro-
fperity and Succefs are the indultrious Mans Attend¬
ants. Two Boys ran away with that Hat. Four
Kings contended for one Kings Crown. Ten Sons
had one Sons Fortune divided among them ; and three
tive Cafe may be formed only from the laft ; but the
Pofieffive, i. e. the (’s) is underflood to each of the
foregoing. As, thefe are Abraham, Ifaac, and Ja¬
cob’s Pofterity. It is either Homer, Virgil, Horace,
or Ovid’s Works. It is neither Annibal, Pompey,
Cefar, nor Alexander’s Sword.