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26 The British Grammar.
Words of Greek Origin, and in Hebrew Words, the
(h) is filent, and then (ch) founds like (k), which is
called its hard Sound ; as Chrift, chriftian, chrono¬
logy, chemiftry, &c. Achilh, Abimelech, Arillar-
chus, Nebuchadnezzar, &c. pronounce Krxft, krif-
tian, kronology, kemiftery, Akilh, Abimelek, &c.
Ch in (arch) founds foft before a Confonant; as
Archbifhop, archdeacon, archduke, &c. but before
a Vowel it founds hard like (k), as Archangel, arch-
iepifcopal, archipelago, &c.
What founds ph ? Ph has every where the Sound
of (f), except where it is parted in thefe three Words,
Mep-ham, Clap-ham, Ihep-herd.
What Sound has fh ? Sh has a fmooth unvaried
Sound very like (ilh) when (ifh) is whifpered ; it is
expreffed in (hare, (hame, da(h, walh, &c. Ti takes
the Sound of ((h) before all the Vowels ; as tertian,
patient, titii, nation, tertius, &c. pronounce terffian,
pafhent, tiftii, nalhun, terlhus: But it keeps its na¬
tural Sound at the Beginning of Words; as tied,
tieth, tiara; and in the Plural Number of Words
ending in ty, (y) being changed into (i) ; as
duty, duties, beauty, beauties, &c. and in all Deri¬
vatives from Words ending in (ty), (y) being alfo
changed into (i) ; as pity, pitied, pitieth, or pities ;
Hiighty, mightier, mightied ; empty, emptier, emp¬
tied ; dirty, dirtier, dirtied, &c. Ti keeps alfo its
natural Sound in fome Hebrew and Greek Names ; as
Shealtiel, Phaltiel, Shephatiah, Adramyttium. We
alfo give the Sound of ((h) to (ci) before another
Vowel; as ancient, magician, precious, fuperficial,
gracious, beneficial, &c. pronounce, anlhent, magi-
Ihan, prelhus, fuperfidial, &c. Obferve, that (1L) takes
the Sound of ((h) before (on) at the end of Words; as
divifion, occafion, million, &c. pronounce divilhun,
occadiun, See. So that the Terminations, fion and
tion, have generally the fame Sound, viz. Ihun ; and
are always, as they ought, to be pronounced as one
What Sound hath th ? Th has both a hard and a
foft Sound ; the hard Sound is exprelfed by putting
5 the