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prefs with clearaefs and ftrengtli. We fliould therefore
think clofely on the fubjedt, till we have attained a full
and diftindt view of the matter, which we areto clothe
in words ; till we become warm and interefted in it
then, and then only, (hall we find expreffion begin to
Secondly, to the acquifition of a good ftyle frequen¬
cy of compofing is indifpenfably neceflary./ But it is not
every kind of compofing, that will improve ftyle. / By
a carelefs and hafty habit of writing a bad ftyle will be
acquired ; /rsore trouble will afterward be neceflary to
unlearn faults, then to become acquainted with the ru¬
diments' of compofition. In the beginning therefore
we ought to write flowly and with much care. Facil¬
ity and fpeed are the fruit of pradtice. We muft be
cautious however, not to retard the courfe of thought,
nor cool the ardor ©f imagination, by paufing too long
on every word. On certain, occafions a glow of com¬
pofition muft be kept up, if we hope to exprefs ourfelves •
happily, though at the expenfe offome inaccuracies. A
more fevere examination muft be the work of correc¬
tion./ What we have written, fhould be laid by feme,
time, till the ardor of compcfition be paft ;/till par¬
tiality for our expreflions be weakened, and the expref¬
fion s themfelves be forgotten ; anc^then, reviewing our
work with a cool and critical eye, as if it were the per¬
formance of another, we fhall difeover many imperfec¬
tions, which at firft efcaped us, f