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284 The lajl Speech and Tejlimony
the remedy of the blood of Chrift, with his Spirit eru
ging me to himfelf, and letting me fee himlelf altogeafct-. '
lovely and precious; fo that i may fafely fay, that /At:
is none in heaven or in earth that Id,'fire befides him, H '
Ixxiii. 25. And, $tbly, 1 blefs and magnify the holy na j
of my God, who hath given me a fight of his controver j
truths, now when it is come in queftion, whether Ch e
be head of his own houfe or not, whereas there is
truth clearer in all the fcripture; yet it mult «ot be fj ; >
ken of, if ye refolve not to fuffer for it. Gthly, l bl \
his name, that ever he counted me worthy to luffer in
him, counting it not my fliame, but an high privile^ r
and dignifying of me, when many famous in their get *.
ration have been denied of it, and are endeavouring * j
their praftice to render the crofs of Chrift of no efi'et {-
7thlys I blefs and magnify his holy name, that he ha r
keeped me from denying of his name, in his titles ai \
attributes; for that is the thing which the enemy and i i
furpers of my lovely Lord’s crown are feeking to hat r
me to deny allegiance to him, who is given of the Fath«;
to be a leader and commander of his people; Ifa. xxvii 1
16. ‘Thus faith the Lord, Beheld flay in Zion for 1
* foundation, a ftone, a tried ftone, a precious corner t
* ftone, a fure foundation, he that believeth Ihalb nd >»
« make hafte. Ver. 17. Judgment will I lay to tb
‘ line, and righteoufnefs to the plummet, and the hapL
* fhall fweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters fiialk
* overflow the hiding-place.’ But this may be our com-k
plaint, Lam. iv. 4. ‘ The tongue of the fucking child^
* cleaveth to the roof of his mouth for thirft, the young
« children alk bread, and no man breaketh it unto them«U
* Ver. 3. The daughter of my people is become cruelt.
* as the oftriches in the widernefs.’ Mai. ii. 8. ‘ But
* ye are departed out of the way, ye have caufed many
‘ to ftumble at the law; ye have corrupted the covenant
* of Levi, faith the Lord of hofts. Ver. 9. Therefore 1
* have 1 alfo made you contemptible andbafe before all
‘ the people, according as ye have not keeped my ways,
‘ and have been partial in the law.’ For now it is with
the land as it is in Ezek. xxiv. 7. ‘ For her blood is in