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2o2 The laft Speech and Tejlimony
fee him, and where did you fee him? A. Altho* I coul
1 would not anfwer, to ditcover my neighbours Them,
jor faid, He would make me tell, or he would make me 1
three hours in hell. I anl'wered,That was not in his pow#
Are ye under an oath that ye will not tell of the reft li
you ? A. I am under no oath but what the Covenant bir#
us to. Took ye ever the communion ? .V. No §>_ ul
ye ever preach, or expound the Scriptures? A. I coijif
never read the Rudiments. Yet (faid they) there w«k
men who did preach, that were not learned. 1 told ;hd
1 knew none but the Quakers, whole principles 1 di!ow$
Then laid they, fay, God fave the king. 1 anfweredJ
was not in my power to fave, or condemn him. A
Would you not fay, Godjaveyour beaft, if it were falU
into a hole5 A No; becaufe it is a taking of his natn-
in vain. Was you at Bothvvel at the rebellion? Jic
Seeing you count it rebeilion, it is criminal, witnefs |v;
it. is the bilhop’s death murder? A i am not It
judge to cognofce upon it. And being afked again rap-
opinion of it, 1 anfwered, I had faid all that I could fir
ol it already. Was Bothwel rebellion? 1 anfwererat
It was felf-defence, which was lawful. ^ How prtrtfi
ye that? A.Qy that Confeffion which ye build you;
Teft upon. Then they faid jeeringly, 1 was a grammat
rian Own ye a law? A. Yes. Own ye the la|
as it is now eitablilhed? A. Since ye make your quelticw1
matters of life and death, ye ought to give time to coni|i
der upon them. 4?. Own ye the king in all matters caf
and.ecclefiatUc, and to be head of the church? A. 1 w'
acknowledge none to be head of the church but Chdj
4L Who is lawgiver? A. Chrift. ^ Is the king fl
king, or not? A He was once a covenanted king. J
Is he the king now? A. I refer it to hB obligations in hi(:
cornonation oath, to be cemfidered. Is he your kinji.
or nqt? I told them, I'would not aniwer any more I'uajr.
queltions at this time. This is-all that paft, for the map
parr, except a number of fenfelefs queltions. No moii;
at piefent, but has my love remembred to all friends*
Chi iff. 1 am very well borne thio’, bluffed he the 1
for it. Sic Subfcribitur,
3 moip
:nds i j-
e Lon;:.