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carry to Modena, for the late king James’s Qneei
But not having his proportion of the booty, he 1<
them, and Florence; where going to fe<
man executed, he fingled out a young gentlema
with whom having fome confabulation, he faid <! Tf
' man was a fool to fuller himlelf to be taken.'
which words, the gentleman finding him to be a ma*
of refolution, carried him to a tavern, and offered hit
500 pieces of gold, to murder an uncle of his, th:
he might enjoy the eftate, whereupon Butler goes t
one of the banditti, and agreed with him concernin
the manner of the murder; who going with him a
11 o’clock at night to the old man’s houfe, they murtf
dered him. Which done, they received the money'}!
and then murthered the young man, for fear he (hoular
difcover him, and for the fame reafon, he killed theft
banditti afterwards.
Having thus committed three murders, he flies tef:
Paris, and got into Cartouche’s gang, where having^
notice of a young gentleman of Champagne, whef
came to Paris on purpofe for his ftudies, he accoftedr
him, pretending to be a fcholar alfo, and then takings!
him to the college of Navarre, in the walks he rob-f
bed him. But beginning to be too notorious inf
France, he went into Holland, where near Rotterw
dam, overtaking a genteel young woman, he begun 1
to make love to her; but Ihe feeming a little coy at‘
fir ft, upon his further application, agreed to pafs fop.
his wife, and lie with him that night, upon promifejj '*
not to meddle with her without her confent: which^
he fwore he would not. So not being able to reacll
the Hague, they lay at an inn upon the road, vvherd
after fupper, the lady retired with her landlady intol
the bed-chamber, and left her pretended hulband tol
keep company with the hoft, who drank pretty meril
rily together, the one for joy of hjs expetted pleaifl
fares, and the other for fake of his own intereftt'l
and afterwards going ta bed, he found his miftrefs*!