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John Scot. Out of the parish of Gallashiels, Robert Macgill, Robert
Young. Out of the shires of Merse and Teviotdale, and parish of Nethen,
Samuel Nishet, John Deans, James Atchison. Out of the parish of Cavers,
James Leidon, John Glasgow, ’William Glasgow, John Greenshieids, Rich¬
ard Young, Samuel Douglas, James Young, James Hobkirk. Out of the
town of Kelso, William Hardie. Out of the town of Jedburgh, John
Mather. Out of the parish of Ancrum, George Rutherford. Out of the
parish of Sprouston, Walter Waddel,and Thomas Cairns. Out of the par¬
ish of Melross, John Young, and Andrew Cook, Out of the parish of Castle-
toun, William Scot, John Pringle, Alexander Waddel, and John Unnes.
Out of the parish of Askirk, William Herd. Out of the parish of Bandon,
Andrew Newbigging. Out of the parish of Sudon, James Couston, Wil¬
liam Swanston, John Elliot. Out of the parish of Hobkirk, John Oliver.
The following seven were sentenced and banished to West Flanders, and
left the kingdom, March 4th, 1684:—Thomas Jackson, George Jackson,
James Forrest, elder, James Forrest, younger, John Coline, James Gourlay,
Afterwards, thirty were banished to Carolina, and were transported in
James Gibson’s ship, called sometime Bailie Gibson, in Glasgow, of whom
it is observable that in God’s righteous judgment he was cast away in Caro¬
lina bay when he commanded in the Rising Sun. They received their sen¬
tence, June 17, 1684. The names of such as subscribed the joint testimony,
are these : Matthew Machan, James M'Clintock, John Gibson, Gavin Black,
John Paton, William Ingles, John Young, John Galt, John Edwards, Thomas
Marshall, George Smith, William Smith, Robert Urie, John Buchanan, Tho¬
mas Bryce, John Symon, Hugh Symon, William Symon, Archibald Cuning-
ham, John Alexander, John Marshall.
In July 19, 1684, John Mathison, John Crichton, James M'Gachen, John
M'Chesnie, James Baird, were banished to New Jersey, in America. They
were taken away by one Robert Malloch, and fourteen men, whose names
are not recorded, anno 1685. In the time of Queensberry’s parliament, two
hundred mes and women were sent to Jamaica. And the same year, one
Pitlochie transported to New Jersey one hundred, whereof twenty-four were
women. And in the same year, thirteen more were sent to Barbadoes.
Their names are not in the hands of the publishers, if they be at all record¬
ed. Anno 1687, twenty-one men and women were sent to Barbadoes, whose
names that subscribed the joint testimony, are as follows :—John Ford, Wal¬
ter M‘Min, Adam Hood, John MacGhie, Peter Russel, Thomas Jackson,
Charles Dougal, James Griston, John Harvie, James Forsyth, George John¬
ston, John Steven, Robert Young,.John Gilfillan, Andrew Paterson, John
Kincaid, Robert Main, James Muirhead, George Muir, John Henderson,
Anaple Jackson, Anaple Gordon, Jean Moffat. Anno 1687, March 30, were
banished to Barbadoes, John Stewart, James Douglas, John Russel, James
Hamilton, William Hannay, George White, Gilbert M'Culloch, Thomas
Brown, John Brown, William Hay, John Wright, John Richard, Alex¬
ander Bailie, Marion Weir, Bessy Weir, Isabel Steel, Isabel Cassils, Agneg