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to death upon the head, foi which I was so cruelly threat¬
ened with torture by these blopdy tyrants ; this was, for
being at the Black-loch, and because I would not declare
who was the minister, and what persons I knew. And
though men have, by a permissive and limited power, passed
a sentence of death against me, to take away my natural
life, this I know, and am persuaded of, that there is a Judge
above, who has passed a sentence of life in heaven unto my
soul this day, which shall never be recalled or reversed
again, which is my only encouragement. He has promised to
as many as believe in him, everlasting life t “ those that
suffer with him, shall reign with him ; and those.that be dead
with him, shall live with him also.” Paul says, “ If thou
shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt be¬
lieve in thine heart, that God hath raised him from the
dead, thou shalt be saved, for with the heart man believetb
unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made !
unto salvation.” Rom. x, 9,10, “ Whosever believeth in !
him shall not be ashamedthis is my only comfort, and a j
noble sweet encouragement for me. And this also he hath j
promised in his word, “ to feed his flock like a shepherd, he J
shall gather the lambs in his arms, and carry them in his
bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.”
I have found by my experience, that the Lord my God
sweetly and gently led me through the greatest difficulties j'
that I have been trysted with since he made choke of me
to suffer for his noble cause. O if ye knew what of his love
I have met with, and what sweet ingredients of the Lord’s
matchless love have been intermixed and put in my cup, ye
would not be afraid to venture upon the sweet cross of
Christ, which has been made sweet and easy unto me.
Arthur Taket,
[Because the heads of truth this martp gives his testi- |j
mony to, and the defections he witnessed against, are much ;
the same with the preceding testimonies, they are omitted.
He is both full and accurate, passing by nothing of the heads
of sin and duty, which at that time were controverted:
particularly (which hath not been met with in any of the
former testimonies) he gives his hearty testimony to that
faithful and called minister of Jesus Christ, Mr. James •
Renwick, for his holding up the banner of our Lord, and