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going on in rebellion against God openly and avowedly ;
as ye may see in Psalm ii., “ Why do the heathen rage, and
the people imagine a vain thing ? he that sitteth in heaven
shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision ; then shall
he speak to them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore dis¬
pleasure.” O poor Scotland, that was once married to the
Lord, and now has provoked him to depart and leave it, and
given a bill of divorcement, as it were l Scotland has sinned
dreadfully, by covenant-breaking, bloodshed, lying, and
swearing. 3. Those who desire to keep their garments
clean and undefiled, from the abounding sins of this genera¬
tion. Go on in the way of the Lord, and fear not whatman
can do, for he has said, “Fear not them that kill the body,
and after that can di> no more ; but fear him who after he
hath killed the body, hath power to cast it into hell,” &c. I
can set my seal to it, that Christ is a good Master, and well
worthy the suffering for. And now I can freely and heartily
forgive all men what they have done to me. as I desire to be
forgiven of my Father who is in heaven; but what they
have done against a holy God, and his image in me, that is
not mine to forgive, but I leave that to him to dispose of as
he may see fit, and as may most glorify himself. Now I am
to take my leave of all created comforts here ; and I bid
farewell to the sweet Scriptures; farewell, reading and
praying ; farewell, sinning and suffering ; farewell, sighing
and sorrowing, mourning and weeping; farewell, all Chris¬
tian friends and relations ; farewell, brethren and sisters,
and all things in time. Welcome, Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost; welcome, heaven and everlasting joy and praise,
and innumerable company of angels and spirits of just men
made perfect. Now, into thy hands I commit my spirit, for
it is thine* James Nisbet.
This martyr was so inhumanly treated, and constantly
watched, that it was with much difficulty he got any thing
written, and that only a line now and then ; and hence some
few repetitions which were in the manuscript are left out,
which it is hoped will be liable to no misinterpretation.