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claim a right to him, from his own promises and former lov¬
ing-kindness, wherein he hath manifested himself to you.
And although you be made many times to think, that he
hath left you, when you are cast down, and under desertion,
yet claim a right to him; though you have destroyed your¬
self, threep kindness upon him, and resolve with Job, that
though he should slay you, yet will ye trust in him; for you
must not want your down-castings and desertions, for all
these things are given you for the trial of your faith. And
I' you may know something of this from experience, that we
cannot guide our Lord’s presence ; when we get it, we are
so lifted up, that he must cast us down again, for our old
bottles cannot bear with the new wine of heaven, none of us
can be free of desertion; for as long as we live in this earth,
we are often under an Egyptian cloud of darkness. Spend
i much of your time in prayer and meditation, for I think,
that in these is the life of religion ; and spend time in Chris¬
tian converse with any of your own judgment, and private
prayer, as you and I did when we were together : and if you
can get none, do your own part, and the Lord will make up
all your loss, for he hath engaged to make up all your wants.
Now, double your diligence, and make ready for the trial,
for you will not get it shifted, if ye continue faithful to the
end. I am not saying that the trial will take away your life ;
but I am persuaded, you will come through difficulties, if the
Lord see fit to spare you, to see the glorious days that shall
be seen in Scotland again, and to reap of the fruit of it. This
will be a high honour, for they will be a happy people that
will be the remnant of the Church.
Now, dear friends, hold fast, and let no man take your
crown; for it is ready at the end of your race ; run and
never halt nor look back, till you obtain the prize. I have
got the start of you a little ; but, I hope, you will follow me,
before it be long, and we shall meet again, and O what a
' joyful meeting shall it be ! Study deniedness to your life,
, and die daily, that death may not surprise you.
But I must forbear, my time is so short that I cannot
get all said that I have to say; but what is wanting, him¬
self make it up to you. Now I take my leave of you for a
little time, hoping to meet again in our Father’s house
above. I pray that God’s eternal blessing may rest upon
you ; and wish you even as my own soul. Farewell, in the