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i ment to all Duties, together with all and whatsoever is con-
; tained within the foresaid book. And likewise, I do hereby
: heartily witness and testify against Popery, Prelacy, Eras-
; tianism, Heresy, and other errors, especially Quakerism,
| and whatsoever is not in accordance with the holy Scrip-
1 tures, and those other sound writings above-mentioned. I
i also witness and testify my abhorrence and detestation of
Jthat abominable and blasphemous test, which is now so vio¬
lently pressed upon the people, tending to the destruction of
I their souls. Moreover, I leave my wife and six young chil¬
dren to the care and protection of Almighty God, who hath
promised “ to be a father to the fatherless, and an husband
to the widow and my soul to God who gave it, for whose
;; cause I now willingly lay down my life. And now 1 bid
s farewell to all earthly and carnal comforts. Farewell, all
3 Christian acquaintance : and welcome, Father, Son, and Ho-
{ ly Ghost, into whose hands I commit my spirit.
John Cochran.
At the same time, John Whitelaw and Arthur Bruce also
ji suffered for adhering to the same truth and testimony. Hav-
ungbeen interrogated before the council, or lords of justicia¬
ry, they agree with the foregoing martyr in every respect,
and express in their testimonies the like satisfaction with their
o lot, and cheerfulness under the cross, and their adherence
cxto the same principles, and abhorrence of the same errors.
^Letterfrom John Wharry, who suffered at the Market-Cross, Glas¬
gow, June \\th, 1683, to his mother and other relations.
Dear Mother, Brother, and Sisters,—I beseech you?
in the name of my sweet, altogether lovely, and glori-
inous Redeemer, Captain and Conqueror over all his enemies,
ojoe not discouraged ; for through this free love cast on me,
1 iwho was born an heir of sin and wrath, I am now, by his
Messed purchase, made free by the laying down of his
»weet life for poor sinners, (of which I was one of the chief,)
imthat I might get life eternal, which is his own gift bestowed
non me. And now, through his blessed hand of providence,
1 die has made choice of me to be his prisoner ; who ordereth
1 all things well to those on whom he sets his love ; and