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wards the west, and they shall spoil them of the east
together,” &c. And that scripture,suffer not sin upon thy
brother’s soul, but in any wise reprove him.” Seek to re¬
claim them that are fallen : “ ye that are spiritual, restore
such an one in the spirit of meekness.” Follow a gospel
method, beware of self-seeking, “ and let him that thinketh
he standelh, take heed lest he fall,” &c. I am not here
speaking to those that are going on in homologating, God-
provoking, Christ-dishonouring, church-ruining, and land-
desolating courses, but to the wrestling remnant.
Now, death is not a whit terrible to me. “ 0 death, where
is thy sting ? O grave, where is thy victory ? The sting of
death is sin ; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks
be to God which giveth us the victory, through our Lord
Jesus Christ.” I think this is his language to me, “Arise ye
and depart, for this is not your rest, because it is polluted.”
“ For we know, that if our earthly house of this tabernacle
were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not
made with hands, eternal in the heavens.”
Now, as to his way with his church, it is mysterious; “his
way is in the deep, his paths in the mighty watersbut
the thoughts of this I cannot put off my spirit, that he hath
thoughts of good and not of evil; to give this poor church
an unexpected end. Yet I am persuaded of this, that he hath
some other work ado, before that be accomplished, for falling
from her first love, and the great ingratitude for the great
and high privileges formerly enjoyed. But, be not dis¬
couraged, nor sinfully anxious, neither about the church nor
the remnant, but wait on God in his own way, and commit
all to him, and he shall bring it to pass : it may come in a
way least expected ; I have no doubt that his power, infin¬
iteness, and sovereignty, shall yet appear.
Now, I declare I am free of the blood of all men, and
though man had never public scandal to charge me with,
yet I am one of the chief of saved sinners. And in respect
of original, actual, and omissional sin, there hath been as
much guiltiness in me, as might and would have weighed
down to the pit the whole world ; but my lovely Lord hath
showed me his love. O for love to give to this lovely Lord
Jesus, according to that scripture, “ come, and I will tell
you what the Lord hath done for my soul.” Upon the day
before I received my sentence, I enjoyed a great measure of