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when you have done all these things, say, we are unprofit¬
able servants.” Let the law of God be your rule; and when
you have done all to keep the law, yet consider, that it can¬
not merit any good thing, but must lean only to the merits
and sufferings of Jesus Christ; but yet the law must be ob¬
served and obeyed. It is true, ‘no mere man is able per¬
fectly to keep the commandments of God,’ but let not this
be your snare, for it is the snare of many of this generation.
O Sirs, study the Scriptures; walk by the strictness of the
law of God, and the liberty of the gospel of peace ; but do
not abuse your liberty, to cause the way of God to be evil
spoken of. I speak as a dying man, that which I have learn¬
ed from the word of God, and the turnings of providence.
O, he hath taught me by his word and gospel, and his Spirit,
many things that I cannot express. He hath filled my
mouth many a time with arguments, till I could go no farther.
I desire to speak it to the commendation of free grace. If
the enemies knew what true grace is, they would not do as
they do. But truly I think, the judgment shall be terrible that
they shall be trysted with. O, it hath been weighty to me,
to think on their destruction and misery, which I have thought
many times would be eternal; and yet I have thought on the
other hand that it was my duty, - when God’s justice passed
the sentence, to say Amen, as it were, and so have desired
that the Lord would let his determination be executed upon
them. Now, none of the suffering remnant need be dis¬
couraged, for God is God, and his word is his word ; and
there is no change of times, nor alteration of dispensations,
but the word will clear all, in some place of it, and there is
no sin that can be committed, but there is a reproof in the
word of God to suit it; nor one objection in the heart, but
there is an answer for it from the word ; so study the word
of God, and implore his presence in reading it.
Make much use of the Confession of Faith, the Larger
and Shorter Catechisms ; mind our Covenants, National and
Solemn League. Be not drawn away with the tyranny and
perjury of the times. Know that God is God, and that he
will not sit with the wrongs he hath received by the tyranny
and perjury of these men; I mean him whom they call su¬
preme magistrate, Charles Stuart, and those under him. God
be thanked, his church is well quit of him, though a gallows
be set up for the Church, and all the Jews; yet, it is like,