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sore heart I have had in vindicating his truths, when ene¬
mies have been denying them, and casting dirt in the faces
of faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ. I desire that all those
who are endeavouring to contend for Christ and his truths,
would be faithful in their witnessing for him, and eschew
the least appearance of sin. As a dying witness of Christ, I
obtest you, as you will answer, when ye stand before him in
the day of your appearance, that ye be faithful in owning
him, in all his truths, and not yield a hoof to these ungodly,
perjured, bloody, and excommunicated traitors, and tyrants ;
for there is much advantage to be had in faithfulness for
Christ; and to the truth of this I can set my seal. I think
Christ is taking a narrow view of his followers at this time ;
for there are few that yield a hair-breadth of the truths of
God, that readily get to their feet again, but go from one
degree of defection to another.
Again, I desire to bless and magnify the Lord for my
lot, and may say, “ He hath brought me to the wilderness to
allure me there, and speak comfortably to my soul.” It was
but little I knew of him when I came to prison ; but now
he has said to me, “ Because I live ye shall live also “ I
am he that hath blotted out thine iniquity, for my own
name’s sake.” Kind has he been to me, since he brought
me out to witness for him. I have never sought any thing
from him that was for his glory, since I came to prison, but
he granted my desire. For the most part, I have found
him in every thing that hath come in my way, ordering it
himself, for his own glory. And now I bless him, that
thoughts of death are not terrible to me. He hath made
me as willing to lay down my life for him, as ever I was
willing to live in the world. Ye that are his witnesses, be
not afraid to venture on the cross of Christ; “ For his yoke
is easy, and his burden light. ’ Many times I have wondered
what makes folk cast at the cross of Christ; it hath been so
light to me, that I found it no burden at all; he bore both
me and it. Now, let not the frowns of men, and their flat¬
teries put you from your duty. Keep up your societies,
and the assembling of yourselves together : for there is much
profit to be found in it. Many times hath it comforted me,
to hear of the few in Scotland, in which Christ was delight¬
ing ; and that there was much love to God’s glory, and zeal
for his honour amongst them. Now, be humbled, and lie