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An association of several of the members of the First Re*
formed Presbyterian Congregation, in the city of New-York»
formed foithe purpose of publishing reprints of oldandjstand-
ard works of interest in the church of God, send forth this
well known and valuable work, to the Christian public on
this side the Atlantic.
The work itself, long known as an interesting manual, in
many of the families of the pious descendants of the “ Cloud
of Witnesses,” whose testimony is here recorded, needs not
praise. It is proper, however, to invite the attention of those
who are not acquainted with its worth; to such the subscri
ber tenders his cordial commendation of this excellent com¬
pilation. Whatever imperfections may be discovered in
persons yet incompassed with infirmity, there are combined
here a testimony to the dominion of the Messiah over the
nations, an illustration of evangelical truth and of sincere
piety, that cannot fail to interest, delight, and improve the
devout reader. That it may tend to the edifying of many
in imparting that holy satisfaction, and solid conviction of
the excellency of divine things, which such an exhibition
of scriptural truth and unfeigned piety is calculated to
communicate, is the sincere prayer of
James Chrystie.
New-York, September, 1810.