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About this time, the Earl Marishal, at the desire of
the Earl of Glencaim, attended an evening exhortation
delivered by Knox. He was so much pleased with it,
that he joined with Glencairn, in urging the preacher to
mite a letter to the Queen Regent, which they thought,
might have the effect of inclining her to protect the re¬
formed preachers, if not also to give a favourable ear to
their doctrine. With this request he was induced to
As a-specimen of the manner in which this letter was
written, I shall give the following quotation, in the ori¬
ginal language. “ I dout not, that the rumouris, whilk
haif cumin to your Grace’s earis of me, haif bene such,
that (yf all reportis wer trew) I wer unworthic to live
in the earth. And wonder it is, that the voces of the
multitude suld not so have inflamed your Grace’s hart
with just hatred of such a one as I am accuseit to be,
that all acces to pitie suld have bene schute up. I am
traduceit as ane heretick, accusit as a fals teacher, and se¬
ducer of the pepill, besydis uther opprobries, whilk (affir-
mit be men of warldlie honour and estimatioun) may
easelie kendill the wrath of majestratis, whair innocencie
is not knawin. But blissit be God, the Father of our
Lord Jesus Chryst, who, by the dew of his heavenlie
grace, hath so quenchit the fyre of displeasure as yit in
your Grace’s hart, (whilk of lait dayis I have under-
staud) that Sathan is frustrat of his interpryse and pur-
pois. Whilk is to my hart no small comfort; not so
muche (God is witnes) for any benefit that I can resave
in this miserable lyfe, by protectioun of any earthlie
creature, (for the cupe whilk it behoveth me to drink is
apoyntit by the wisdome of him whois consallis ar not
changeable) as that I am for that benefit whilk I am as-
surit your Grace sail resave; yf that ye continew in lyke
moderatioun and clemencie towardis utheris, that maist
unjustlie ar and sal be accusit, as that your Grace hath
begun towardis me, and my most desperat cause.” An
orator, he continued, might justly require of her Grace