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overthrow of superstition, ignorance, and despotism; and
for the blessings, political and religious, which we en¬
joy, all of which may be traced to the reformation from
How grateful should we be to divine Providence for
this happy revolution! For those persons do but “ sport
with their own imaginations,” who flatter themselves
that it must have taken place in the ordinary course of
human affairs, and overlook the many convincing proofs
of the superintending direction of superior wisdom, in
the whole combination of circumstances which contri¬
buted to bring about the Reformation in this country,
as well as throughout Europe. How much are we in¬
debted to those men, who, under God, were the instru¬
ments in effecting it ; who cheerfully jeoparded their
lives, to achieve a design which involved the felicity of
millions unborn; boldly attacked the system of error
and corruption, fortified by popular credulity, custom,
and laws, fenced with the most dreadful penalties ; and
having forced the stronghold of superstition, and pene¬
trated the recesses of its temple, tore aside the veil
which concealed that monstrous idol which the whole
world had so long worshipped, and dissolving the magic
spell by which the human mind was bound, restored it to
liberty! How criminal must those be, who, sitting at ease
under the vines and fig-trees planted by the unwearied
labours, and watered by the blood of these patriots, disco¬
ver their disesteem of the invaluable privileges which they
inherit, or their ignorance of the expense at which they
were purchased, by the most unworthy treatment of those
to whom they owe them; misrepresent their actions,
calumniate their motives, and cruelly lacerate their me¬
mories !
Patriots have toil’d, and in their country’s cause
Bled nobly; and their deeds, as they deserve.
Receive proud recompense.
But fairer wreaths are due, tho’ never paid.
To those who, posted at the shrine of truth.
Have fallen in her defence.-
Their blood is shed.