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in a serious, earnest, humble, and prayerfu’ sort o’
way. I dinna count the office of an elder as an
office that is a’ honour and nae duty. I intend to
be a working elder, working wi’ head, and heart,
and tongue, purse, and conscience a’ through
my eldership. Your ‘ bawbee elder,’ as folks ca’
him, wha does nae mair than stand at the plate
on a Sabbath day, and cast up at the session now
and then, maks but a puir figure as an elder. He
may ha’e the name, but he hasna the substance of
an elder—he has only the shadow. The session
have marked out a district for me to labour
in, and I have nae thocht o’ gaun out
and in among the folk, as if I were just taking a
dauner for my ain diversion. My visits shall be
regular visits, and they shall be short, especially
to the sick and the afflicted. Nae sitting down
to crack and haver, and turn o’er a’ the clishma-
claver o’ the clachan. I’ll no speak an ill word o’
ony body, neither will I hearken to evil speakers.
But if I have ony gude thing of ony ane, that I’ll
speak aff loof, and that frankly. Wi’ the consent
o’ the minister and my brethren o’ the session,
I’ll try and gather in a’ the folk round to the
prayer-meetings, to be held in my district at
stated times, when I’ll do my best, in my ain
plain, auld-fashioned way, to edify baith auld
and young. I’ll strive to bring them to the know¬
ledge of the truth, and exhort them to come to
the house o’ God on the Sabbath day, and read
their Bibles and their Shorter Catechisms, and to
set up a family altar in every house.’’
“ God speed you, my worthy friend, and may
the blessing of the Most High crown your labours