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towards all men, if they profess well and do
“ Charity, Sir ! charity to men wha pretend to
love their brethren, and hae na ae grain o’ love to
the God who made them!—charity to men wha
would break up and scatter the families o’ the
laborious !—charity to men wha would keep the
heads o’ households out o’ their ain house till
untimeous hours!—charity to men wha would harl
awa frae their warm fireside poor thoughtless,
witless lads and lasses, that they may hae an ex¬
cuse for cornin’ hame when they should be sleepin’
soundly in their beds !—charity to men wha con¬
gregate folly and sin and wickedness o’ a’ ages,
shapes, and sizes, that they may perfect
iniquity under the guise and the garb o’ the
lovin’ kindness o’ sentimental warldliness ! Sin
is great gain, but sinners are great losers
in the end. O ye doitrified mortals, wha
drudge and drive through thick and thin,
through heat and cauld, to baud up on your
braid shouthers the hail fabric o’ this great tower
o’ Babel that folly is tryin’ to big on the earth—
how can ye fling your earnin’s, your hard-won
wages, the price o’ your strength, the price o’
your health—aye, and it may be the price o’ your
vera life, the means of your comfort, your inde¬
pendence, your happiness, on Sawtan’s showmen ?
Whether they play their pavies on the stage o’ a
theatre, tinkle on their pianoes, driddle on their
fiddles, or toom oot their guttural melodies in the
concert-ha’, or whether frae the congregation o’
the dead they dive into the assemblies o’ the pro¬
fligate and the reprobate, hae ye naething ado wi’