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Two or three soldiers, to relieve their wives
of a part of their families, sprang into the water
with their children, and perished in their en¬
deavours to save them. One young lady who
had resolutely refused to quit her father, whose
sense of duty kept him at his post, was near
falling a sacrifice to her filial devotion, not hav¬
ing been picked up by those in the boats until
she had sunk five or six times. Another in¬
dividual, who was reduced to the frightful al¬
ternative of losing his wife or his children,
hastily decided in favour of his duty to the
former. His wife was accordingly saved, but
bis four children, alas 1 were left to perish.
A fine fellow, a soldier, who had neither wife
nor child of his own, but who evinced the
greatest solicitude for the safety of those of
others, insisted on having three children lashed
to him, with whom he plunged into the water;
not being able to reach the boat, he was again
drawn into the ship with his charge, but not
before two of the children had expired. One
man fell down the hatchway into the flames,
and another had his back so completely
broken as to have been observed quite doubled
falling overboard. These numerous specta¬
cles of individual loss and suffering were