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5T. JAG©.
always dressed as fine as possible; and I ima¬
gine, go rather to be admired than to receive
amusement from a sight that one should think
would give them pain. Another amusement
for the ladies here, are the nights of their great
processions, when they go out veiled ; and as
in that dress they cannot be known, they
amuse themselves in talking to people much
in the manner that is done at our masquerades.
One night in Lent, as I was standing close to
the houses as the procession went by, and hav¬
ing nothing but a thin waistcoat on under
my cloak, and happening to have my arm
out, a lady came by, and gave me a pinch
with so good a will, that I thought she
had taken the piece out; and, indeed, 1
carried the marks for a long time after.
I durst not take the least notice of this at
the time; for had I made any disturbance,
I should have been knocked on the head.
This kind lady immediately after mixed with
the crowd, and I never could find out who
had done me that favour. I have seen fifty
or sixty penitents following these processions;
they wear a long white garment with a long
train to it, and high caps of the same, which
fall down before, and cover all their faces,