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five days’ sail. There we saw the remains of
a shipwreck, and the country people enrich¬
ing themselves with the spoils. At length
having reached Yarmouth Roads we came to
an anchor. It began to blow hard, and the
ship in driving, nearly ran foul of a Scotch¬
man. But we brought up again, and rode
securely through the night. On a signal next
morning for a pilot, four men came off from
Yarmouth. They demanded no less than
thirty shillings to carry me, a single person,
on shore, while our whole stock was only
two pieces of eight; and although I did long
for land, I could not purchase it at such a rate,
therefore they were content to take less. But
no sooner had I got into the boat, than they
rowed up and down to weigh anchors, for the
storm during the preceding night, had occa¬
sioned many ships to part with their cables.
Nevertheless they were unsuccessful, and
then made for the shore. The landing-place
was so bad, that four other men awaiting the
arrival of the boat, ran up their middle in the
sea, and dragged it on the beach. I thence
got into the town of Yarmouth, with a com¬
pany of people at my heels, wondering at my
sad and ragged condition. The host of an