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Here is feen the ocean in profpett, and ships failing
along. Two boats land their crews. One failor
fings the following ode : after which, the reft join
the lively dance.
When Britain firjl at heaven's command,
Hrofe from out the azure main;
This was the charter of the land.
And guarding angels fung this ftrain:
Rule, Britannia, rule the waves :
Britons never will be /laves.
The nations, not fo bleft as thee,
Muft in their turns to tyrants fall:
While thou shalt flourish great and free.
The dread and envy of them all.
Rule, Britannia, rule the waves :
Britons never wilt be /laves.
Should war, should failion shake thy i/le,
And fink to poverty and shame;
Heaven ftill shall on Britannia fmile,
Rejtore her wealth, and t aife her name.
Rule, Britannia, rule the waves I
Britons never will be /laves.
As the loud blaft, that tears thy /kies.
Serves but to root thy native oak ;
Still more majeflic /halt thou rife.
From foreign, from domeftic ftroke.
Rule, Britannia, rule the waves:
Britons never will be /laves.