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Amid the depth of this furrounding gloom,
"While nature all is hufti’d, Eltruda wakes
To think—and to be wretched. Oh my love!
My heart’s foie reft and refuge ! Where is he !
Vitfor or vanquifli’d—what is now his fate ?
Moments of terror—Ha ! what noife was that ?
Each found appalls me, and each thought is death !
’Twas more than fancy fure : it (eem’d the groan
Of bleeding men—O every guardian wing
Of faints and angels (liield him ! from his breaft
Turn wide the flying (haft, the lifted fteel,
And, flickering him, a ruin’d nation fave.
Who comes ? Speak, quickly fpeak.
Eltruda, an Attendant.
My gracious miftrels.
Why to the breath of this untimely Iky
Expofe your health ?
Elt. Away—the health, the life
Of England is at ftake : my Alfred fights
Perhaps he bleeds s and 1 am loft for ever !
But is there none, no meflenger return’d
From that dark fcene of death ?
At. No, madam, none.
Elt. 0 my torn, tortur’d heart! What is the hour ?
At. By yon faint light, that glimmering fteals along
From eaft to north, I guefs.the morning near.
Elt. Then all my hopes and fears fufpended hang
On this dread moment’s wing—Ah ! hear’ft thou not
The trumpet’s diftant voice ?
At. It Ipeaks aloud,
And ftiakes the echoing woods.