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match with Anne of Denmark—the union of a Pro¬
testant princess with a Protestant prince, the King of
Scotland and heir of England, being, it could not be
doubted, an event which struck the whole kingdom of
darkness with alarm. James was self-gratified by the
unusual spirit which he had displayed on his voyage
in quest of his bride, and well disposed to fancy that
he had performed it in positive opposition, not only to
the indirect policy of Elizabeth, but to the malevolent
purpose of hell itself. His fleet had been tempest-tost,
and he very naturally believed that the Prince of the
power of the air had been personally active on the
The principal person implicated in these heretical
and treasonable undertakings was one Agnes Sampson,
or Samson, called the Wise Wife of Keith, and de¬
scribed by Archbishop Spottiswood, not as one of the
base or ignorant class of ordinary witches, but a grave
matron, composed and deliberate in her answers, which
were all to some purpose. This grave dame, from the
terms of her indictment, seems to have been a kind of
white witch, affecting to cure diseases by words and
charms,—a dangerous profession, considering the times
in which she lived. Neither did she always keep the
right and sheltered side of the law in such delicate
operations. One article of her indictment proves this,
and at the same time establishes, that the Wise Woman
of Keith knew how to turn her profession to account;
for, being consulted in the illness of Isobel Hamilton,
she gave her opinion, that nothing could amend her
unless the devil was raised ; and the sick woman’s hus-