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34 black’s guide book advertiser.
No person visiting the beautiful Scenery of the English Lakes shouh
omit calling at
which stands upon the margin of the Lake, and was built expressly
for an Hotel, and is fitted up with Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths
with every modern improvement for comfort. The public Dining
Room is the largest in the Lake District, being lighted by nim
large windows, from which may be seen Loughrigg Fell, Silver How
Sargeant Man, High Raise, Steel Fell, Helm Crag, Seat Sandal
Stone Arthur, etc. etc. Also overlooks the whole of the Lake
Valley, and Church, the last resting-places of Wordsworth anc
Hartley Coleridge. There is near half-a-mile of gravel walks in th<
grounds, the Scenery from which cannot be equalled in the whole
of the Lake District.
A Refreshment Room and Coach Office is attached to the Hotel
to and from which the Lake District Coaches run in connection.
Omnibuses also meet the Steamers at the head of Windermere
Carriages, Cars, Phaetons, Ponies, Boats, etc.
WILLIAM JEPSON, the Proprietor, begs to inform visitors tc
Derbyshire, that the Hotel is situated in Chatsworth Park, in the
immediate vicinity of the princely residence of the Duke of Devon¬
shire, a palace adorned with chef-d'ceuvres of art, and liberally
embellished by nature.
The Hotel offers every comfort and accommodation to Tourists, and
is within easy distances of the romantic scenery of the Peak of Derby¬
shire, which has not inappropriately been compared to Switzerland.
The Midland Railway, intersecting England between London and
York, has a branch from the Ambergate Station to Rowsley Station,
where an omnibus from the Hotel meets every train. This affords a
delightful drive through the Park. Fare Sixpence.
Parties staying at the Hotel can be accommodated with tickets
for fly-fishing in the Rivers Derwent and Wye, the former of which
runs through Chatsworth Park.
N.B.—A Ladies’ Coffee-Room.