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a vast plain, on the rising ground to the right of which is
Poltaloch House (Neil Malcolm, Esq.), a residence which is
said to have cost .£100,000. Poltaloch estate extends in some
directions as far as forty miles in one continuous line. Before
reaching the terminus of the canal, Bellanach village is passed
on the left. On the right, on a picturesque rock, which be¬
comes an island at high water, is the old village of Crinan ;
and beyond it is seen Duntroon Castle. The new village of
Crinan is the north-western terminus of the Crinan Canal;
and here again carts are in waiting to convey luggage to the
Oban steamer.
Upon the right, on the opposite side of the bay of Crinan,
backed by rugged heights and mountains, is the modernized
castle of Duntroon (Malcolm, Esq.), and northward, on the
same side, Loch Craignish, a fine arm of the sea, intersected
by a chain of beautiful little islands, covered with ancient
oak-trees. The sail from Crinan to Oban occupies hours.*
The steamboat proceeds through the Dorishtmore or Great
Gate, between the point of Craignish and one of the chain of
islets just mentioned. Islay, Jura, and Scarba, are now in
sight to the left westwards, and between the latter two islands
is the dreaded whirlpool of Corrivreckin—
“ Where the wave is tinged with red.
And the russet sea-leaves grow,
Mariners, with prudent dread,
Shim the shelving rocks below.
As you pass through Jura’s sound.
Bend your course by Scarba’s shore;
Shun, 0 shun, the gulph profound.
Where Corrivreckin’s surges roar.” t
On the south are the shores of Knapdale, and to the north
the islands of Shuna and Luing, with Loch Melfort opening to
the right.
Passing through the sound of Luing, between the islands
of Luing and Scarba, there is a view of Benmore, 3170 feet
—the highest mountain in Mull. Two miles from the point
of Luing is Blackmill Bay, opposite to which is the island of
Lunga. Three miles further north is the slate islet of Bal-
* Dinner is served on board immediately on leaving Crinan—charge 2s. 6d. each,
t Leyden’s Mermaid—Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, vol. iv.