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4a v.
Enter Toilet.
6ak. Well, Toilet, what now ? [Toilet whispers.]
Not well ?—Cann’t come down to dinner?—Wants to
see me above ? Haik’e, brother, what shall I do ?
Mnj. If you go, you’re undone.
Har. Go, sir; go to Mrs. Qakly ■■ Indeed you
had better
Maj. ’Sdeath, brother ! I don’t budge a foot—This is
all fraftiousness and ilhhumour
Oak. No, I’ll not go. Tell her I have company, and
we shall be glad to see her here. ££a*t Toilet.
Maj. That’s right.
Oak. Suppose I go and watch how she proceeds ?
Maj. What d’ye mean ? You would not go to her ?
Are you mad?
Oak. By no means go to her—I only want to know
how she takes it. I’ll lie perdue in my study, and ob¬
serve her motions.
Maj. I don’t like this pitiful ambuscade work—this
bush-fighting. Why cann’t you stay here ? -Ay,
ay !—I know how it will be—She’ll come bounce in
upon you with a torrent of anger and passion, or, if ne-
i cessary, a whole flood of tears, and carry all before her
1 at once.
1 Oak. You shall find that you’re mistaken, major.—
Don’t imagine that because I wish not to be void of
humanity, that I am destitute of resolution. Now I am
convinc’d I’m in the right, I’ll support that right with
ten times your steadiness.
Maj. You talk this well, brother.
Oak. I’ll do it well, brother.
Maj. If you don’t, you’re undone.
Oak. Never fear, never fear. [Exit.
Maj. Well, Charles.
C/tar. I cann’t bear to see my Harriot so uneasy. I’ll
go immediately in quest of Mr. Russet. Perbgp, I
may learn at the inn where his lordship’s ruffians have
carried him.
» Rus. [Without.] Here ? Yes, yes, I know she’s here,
well enough. Come along, Sir Harry, come along.